01354 696261


Registration at the Meadows

Before registering your child at The Meadows we would suggest that you read our Parent Booklet. This booklet has been designed to provide all parents/carers with as much information about the The Meadows nursery, its staff, early years funding, our fees and term dates. Included in this booklet are copies of the contracts and notices which you will need to accept as part of registering your child as well as copies of some of our most important policies.

Before your child can attend the The Meadows nursery we need all parents/carers to complete and return a completed registration form. This will enable our administrative team to place your child on the waiting list, and make preparations when your child is due to start at the nursery.

The Registration Form pack allows you to provide not only the basic information about your child, but is also used as a way of allowing you to give, or withhold, your permission for certain activities, medical treatment and other things. It is extremely important that all information requested on this form is completed with up-to-date correct information. Should any of the information change after completing the pack, please ensure we are notified of the changes.

Our Parent Book, Registration Forms and Term Dates are reviewed at least on an annual basis, so the ones available for download here may be different from previously completed/downloaded forms.